Our Teams

WiSolve teams are comprised of 3-5 people - 1 project manager, 1 advisor, and 1-3 consultants. Team members come from a variety of backgrounds spanning engineering, computer science, biology, chemistry, business, and more. We utilize the analytical skills of our graduate students and postdoctoral researchers and enhance their business understanding to ensure comprehensive deliverables that resolve our clients’ problems.


Our Approach


Our projects are designed on a 4-8 week timeline. Our team meets with clients at least 4 times to ensure we meet client needs.

  • Pre-meeting: You and WiSolve leaders meet to learn how WiSolve can assist you.

  • Kickoff meeting: You and the entire WiSolve team meet to discuss our plan to address your goals.

  • Progress meeting: You and the entire WiSolve team meet to examine progress and project direction.

  • Final meeting: You and the entire WiSolve team meet to discuss our final findings and implications.
